My Music
I started guitar in October of 2015 at the age of 47. One of the best (and most expensive) decisions I've ever made. It's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks.
I remember thinking that I was way too old to do this; that it would take forever before it did me any good. But then I thought of how well people who've been playing for five years do. I'm a young man - with five years of practice, who knows what I might be able to play.
Me and Mickey don’t get the chance to play with just the two of us anymore, but when we do, the old magic comes back and we’re in perfect synch. This was a fun little gig at the bar across the street from my loft.
Here are some of my Soundcloud and Vimeo links to stuff I've done.
Coming soon: campfire recording sessions.
This was my hung over homage to Jason Isbell, played on the beautiful Gibson Hummingbird that was a gift from my good friend Roger Pardieck.
May 15, 2016. Practicing slide guitar in open D tuning on the Capriole Barn Stage. Very rough.